Once you perform and save an evaluation on a person, you then have the ability to download and print out PDF checklists and PDF certificates within Checklick.
A PDF Checklist is simply a PDF document with the checklist content and evaluations for a particular person, which can be printed or emailed to the person.
A PDF Certificate is a PDF document that represents the person's achievement of a particular level in a checklist. You may wish to print these out on quality paper and hand them out to the person once they achieve a level.
Each PDF's branding is set by the organization that created the checklist. Your organization's branding (logo and details) will also be included in the PDF.
To download a certificate or checklist, follow these steps:
- Log into your organization or coach account (if you do not have your account credentials, go to app.checklick.com, and click on the forgot password link).
- Click on the People tab.
- Click on the checklist to the right of the person you’d like to download the certificate or checklist for.
- Click on the checklist or certificate icon top right of the page on the level header which you’d like to download the certificate or checklist for. A PDF will begin to download.
Some quick tips:
- The certificate icon will only appear if the status of that particular level has been set to ‘achieved’.
- You can download multiple PDF checklists and certificates at a time using the side menu on the People page.
Note: There is a limit in the number of downloads that can be performed at once. If you need to download more, simply select the people in batches.
- Checklists: 25 people max
- Certificates: 100 people max